29 Oct Habber Tec undresses artificial intelligence in an innovative event
Taking into account that AI has become the trending topic in recent years, stripping it of myths, catastrophes and utopias to approach it from a pragmatic perspective is not a simple exercise. However, Fernando Arencibia (CEO of Habber Tec) and Carlos García-Egocheaga (CEO of Lexsoft) managed to make a reflection, without renouncing the scope of the revolution that is underway, that brings, in an informative way, the cognitive transformation to the reality of business to CEOs, CIOs and technology managers of important companies in the country, in an event that used innovation as a banner.
The meeting was held on October 23rd at DSPOT, the creative space of chef Diego Guerrero. The first activity in which the attendees participated was a showcoocking that showed how innovation and creativity can be applied to any action to obtain different results.
The presentation of Fernando continued, adressing the starting situation of artificial intelligence in a company, explaining the concept of collective intelligence, how business strategy is modified when AI is applied in business solutions, main technical uses of artificial intelligence and closed the presentation by explaining how Habber Tec thinks that this type of project should be addressed.
“Companies that do not use artificial intelligence to improve their processes and customer service will tend to disappear in the coming years, just as people who do not decide to improve their skills in the digital sphere will be less competitive at the job level. Therefore, from Habber we help our clients analyze where they can apply AI and we develop the project, using techniques such as machine learning, natural language processing, image and video recognition, among others.”
For his part, Carlos García-Egocheaga, CEO of Lexsoft, -an expert company in bringing digital transformation to the legal sector- explained the LegalTech projects that are being done with artificial intelligence, such as the review of leases, review of sentences, anonymization of documents and extraction of legal norms. Likewise, he explained that every day the processes are improved with artificial intelligence and reflected on the future in the sector of AI-related technologies such as Big Data, Smart Contracts and Blockchain.
Carlos also commented that, in order to offer AI to his clients, they are the first to want to apply it “at home”. To do this, they have implemented a cognitive assistant, developed by Habber Tec, that attends to the incidents of its users. “We chose Habber Tec as the developer for this solution because it was the company that offered us the best alternative and the possibility of working with IBM’s Watson technology, which handles natural language and machine learning in a way that adapts to what we need.”
The event culminated with a cocktail party in which all attendees shared experiences, knowledge and initiatives related to the theme of the event they are working on. The spirit of innovation was present at all times.